Ecology and International Social Work Resources

Ecology and International Social Work Resources

KAKI Celebrates Social Work Month 2010

The Katherine A. Kendall Institute observes CSWE’s broader celebration of Social Work Month in 2010, as going green is an important consideration when responding to a globalizing society. Below are some recommended international curricular resources addressing the application of ecological social work concepts. If you have a resource suggestion for review, please submit the basic bibliographic information to [email protected].

Jones, P. (2010). Responding to the ecological crisis: Transformative pathways for social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 46, 67–81.

Duncan, J., & Arnston, L. (2004). Children in crisis: Good practices in evaluating psychosocial programming. Washington, DC: International Psychosocial Evaluation Committee and the Save the Children Federation.

Würzer, J., & Bragin, M. (2009). Integrating the psychosocial dimension in women’s empowerment programming: A guide for CARE country offices. Vienna: CARE Austria.

Bragin, M. (2011). Clinical social work in situations of disaster and terrorism. In Brandell, J. (Ed.), Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work (2nd ed., pp. x–xx). Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage Publications. 

Mary, N. L. (2008). Social work in a sustainable world. Chicago, IL: Lyceum. 

Borrmann, S., Klassen, M., & Spatscheck, C. (Eds.). (2007). International social work: Social problems, cultural issues and social work education. Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers.