CSWE Press

Social Work in Rural Communities, 5th Edition

Leon Ginsberg
Publication Date: 10/27/2011
ISBN: 978-0-87293-146-6
Publisher: CSWE Press
Topics: Cultural Competence Rural Social Work
This book is the fifth in a series of compendia edited by Leon Ginsberg on modern approaches to social work in rural communities. Rural social workers face special problems related to their work locations, such as professional isolation, lack of supervision, the almost inevitable existence of dual relationships, and the different scale and emphases of life in small communities. This highly readable text offers guidance on these and many other issues. The volume contains 20 all-new chapters by and for rural social work scholars, educators, and practitioners on the cutting-edge subjects of the discipline. Building on the previous editions, the book includes new discussions of specific populations and social problems of rural areas; the difficulties of educating, recruiting, and retaining rural social workers; and addresses current issues such as technology and diversity in rural areas.


Dexter Alexander, Dolores Subia BigFoot, Laura S. Boisen, Lois A. Bosch, Jill Bradshaw, N. Yolanda Burwell, Iris Carlton-LaNey, Suzie Cashwell, Christina M. Chiarelli-Helminiak, Pat Conway, Michael Daley, Heather Dodson, Paul DuongTran, Bill Frederick, Vanda Galen, Leon Ginsberg, Michael Glasser, Karen V. Harper-Dorton, Shawn D. King, Wynne S. Korr, Larry W. Kreuger, Paul Force-Emery Mackie, Aaron Metzger, Abigail Nelson, Barbara Pierce, Suzanne Pritzker, Komalsingh Rambaree, Elana Premack Sandler, J. Sky Smith, Saundra Starks, Glenn Stone, and Gretchen H. Waltman.

About the Editor

Leon Ginsberg obtained his PhD from the University of Oklahoma. He has served as dean at West Virginia University and the University of South Carolina. Currently, he is program director at Appalachian State University. Dr. Ginsberg is the editor of Management and Leadership in Social Work Practice and Education and numerous other books on social work. He has served as editor-in-chief of the journal Administration in Social Work since 2002. Dr. Ginsberg was a 2011 recipient of the Council on Social Work Education Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work award.

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Social Work in Rural Communities, 5th Edition