From the Director
Master’s Application Open!
2023 MSW's in the Making
Save the Date: Minority Fellowship Program 50th Anniversary Celebration
Master’s Application Open!
Two application support question and answer sessions will take place in the coming weeks. These differ from the information sessions in that MFP staff will not be presenting or setting an agenda; rather, Q&A sessions will serve as spaces for applicants to bring their questions and receive responses directly from MFP staff.
Unable to join? Please email your questions to [email protected] and expect a response from a member of the MFP staff team in 2–4 business days.
2023 MSWs in the Making
Minority Fellowship Program 50th Anniversary Celebration
Please join the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for Overcoming, Achieving and Soaring: Celebrating 50 Years of the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP). This hybrid event will be held June 8, 2023!
The event will feature emerging and promising practices, innovations, and lessons learned within and across grantees and fellows; grantee and fellow successes and innovative contributions to the field; and the recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the MFP.
Additional information regarding the agenda, registration, and more will be provided during the coming weeks. Get ready for a great experience to learn, share, network, and celebrate 50 years of the MFP. Please direct questions to the MFP Coordinating Center.
Professional Development
LSWO Latinx Social Work Conference
The Latino Social Workers Organization (LSWO), a network of social work faculty and professional social workers who believe in the recruitment and retention of Latinx students in higher education, invites all social work professionals, allied health professionals, and social work faculty to register for the LSWO Latinx Social Work Conference at Portland State University School of Social Work on May 18–20, 2023.
Virtual IPEC Faculty Development Institute
Interprofessional faculty teams and their collaborative academic and/or practice partners committed to promoting interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP), as well as individual educators and practitioners looking for tools and strategies to lead, develop, and implement IPECP are invited to register for the Interprofessional Education Collaborative’s Faculty Development Institute. Find detailed information and register here.
University of Michigan Mixed Methods Program
Are you a student proposing, conducting, or writing a mixed methods dissertation or thesis? Join the University of Michigan Mixed Methods Program for a summer workshop focused on the mixed methods dissertation/thesis process. The workshop will take place virtually June 14–16, 2023. Participants at all stages of the dissertation/thesis process are encouraged learn more and register to attend!
2023 NASW Leadership Summit
Develop your ever-evolving social work leadership skills by participating in the 2023 Virtual National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Leadership Summit on Thursday, June 22.
Whether you’re a new professional or an experienced social worker, this exciting opportunity will host leaders from the social work community to share their expertise. The summit will cover topics such as leadership development; diversity, equity, and inclusion; social media tips and tricks; mentorship; and more to help you hone your skills as a leader in the field. More information is available here.
Call for Abstracts
JSWE Special Issue Call for Abstracts: MFP Celebrates 50 Years of DEIA
The Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) invites submission of abstracts for a special issue, "Reflecting on the Presence and Impact of CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program: Celebrating 50 Years of DEIA." Authors must be current or previous fellows of CSWE’s Minority Fellowship Program. Abstract submissions must go through Submittable and must be submitted by May 1, 2023. Read the full Call for Abstracts for this special issue.
SWWR Welcomes Submissions for Presentations for 2024 Conference
The Conference Planning Committee of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) welcomes submissions for presentations within all content areas of social work, social welfare services, and social policy The theme for the 2024 conference is “Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science.” Please review the call for papers and additional resources online and be sure to submit by Saturday, April 15, 2023, 11:59 PM (PT).