Members of the Religion and Spirituality Work Group
- Edward R. Canda, The University of Kansas (KS)
- Rick Chamiec-Case, North American Association of Christians in Social Work (CT)
- Sheldon R. Gelman, Yeshiva University (NY)
- Catherine A. Hawkins, Texas State University-San Marcos (TX)
- David R. Hodge, Arizona State University (AZ)
- Beryl Hugen, Calvin College (MI)
- Altaf Husain, Howard University (DC)
- Sharon S. Issurdatt, National Association of Social Workers (DC)
- George A. Jacinto, University of Central Florida (FL)
- Mary Vincentia Joseph, The Catholic University of America (DC)
- Helen M. Land, University of Southern California (CA)
- Gordon E. Limb, Brigham Young University (UT)
- Aneesah Nadir, Islamic Social Services Association (Canada)
- Barbara W. Shank, St. Catherine University (MN)
- Michael J. Sheridan, The Catholic University of America (DC)
- Michael E. Sherr, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (TN)
- David Sherwood, Social Work and Christianity (OR)
- Frederick J. Streets, Yeshiva University (NY)
- Betsy L. Wisner, Texas State University-San Marcos (TX)