
Educator Resource of The Month Icon

The Educator|Resource of the Month offers creative pedagogical approaches to diversity and justice education. The resources featured are developed by experts in the field and map to the CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards competencies in diversity and social justice. Educators can use the materials for developing assignments or a variety of teaching activities. 


August: Teaching Guide: Repairing Harms Done to Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
July: Advocating for Social Justice When You Aren't Sure Where to Begin
June: Achieving Equitable Student Success: Teaching Anchored in Student Experiences
May: Racialized Trauma and Healing: Latinx Social Workers Share Their Stories
April: Practicing Cultural Responsiveness With Actions: An Intercultural Approach to Equitable Service Delivery
March: Expanding the Worldviews of Social Work Students
February: Equity in the Classroom: A Template for Co-Creating a Course With Our Students 
January: Resources for the New Semester


December: The Profound Wisdom of Black Life and Literature
November: Global & Intercultural Competence 
October: Theories of Racism - Illuminating Problems, But Also Possibilities
September: Decolonizing the Curriculum: Communities Reclaiming Their Stories
August: Examining Social Work’s Involvement with Racially Punitive Systems
July: What Does Teaching From an Antiracist Perspective Look Like? Series Overview
June: Traditional Wisdom, Community Dialogues, Literature, Research
May: Narratives by and About Asians and Asian Americans 
April: Research Methods for Racial Equity & Cultural Responsiveness 
March: Advancing Intersectionality Through Art & Science
February: Preparing Students to Practice in an Interconnected World
January: Natural Connections: Embodying Relationship With the Environment


December: Can We Imagine a Better Future?
November: Ten Ways to Create Racially Equitable Learning Environments
October: Curricular Guide for Environmental Justice
September: Cultural Nuances in International Social Work Practice: The Philippines
August: Social Work in the (In)Justice System
July: Assessing Social Determinants of Disability and Health
June: Winter and Spring Recap 2020: Matters of Justice
May: Shedding Light on Solitary Confinement
April: Cultural Adaptation of Behavioral Interventions
March: A Blueprint to Reduce LGBTQ Youth Homelessness 
February: Equity-minded Competence in Higher Education 
January: The NAME Steps: Addressing Anti-LGBTQIA2S+ Microaggressions 


December: Summer & Fall 2019 Recap
November: Online Teaching: Humanizing Immigration
October: Launch of the Center Library on Diversity and Justice 
September: Leading the Transformation: Working With Latinx Communities 
August: Free-Choice Reading in Foundation Courses
July: The Practice of Hope: Participatory Models for Work With Communities
June: Winter and Spring 2018–2019 Recap
May: Developing a Culturally Tailored Intervention
April: Social Work With Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants
March: Rethinking Practice With Multicultural Communities: Implications for Social Work Education 
February: Doin' The Work: Podcasts of Interviews With Frontline Workers Who Are Changing Communities
January: Prevention Training Modules for Behavioral Health Practice


December: Curricular Resource on Issues of Disability-Competent Care
November: Social Justice 101: Teaching Empathy and Critical Thinking Using Books With Powerful Messages on Social Justice